Customer Satisfaction Survey
Company name *:
Attn Person::
How long have you been working with A YANGIN? :
How did you get your first contact with us:
Sales and After-Sales Services:
Easy contac with representative persons :
Respect and Courtesy:
Satisfying infromation about the company and products:
Service Time:
Professional Knowledge and Skills of Technical Staff:
Ontime and right solutions offering for your problems:
Compliance with the Principles of Objectivity and Confidentiality:
Packaging Quality:
Product variety:
Service Delivery Time:
Quality of Product:
Do you generally Satisfied with A YANGIN services ?:
Service - Maintenance:
What extent has it met the needs and requests of third parties which they have expectations about the work(eg customers, insurance organizations, other organizations, etc.)?:
How compatible do the feedback period with your requested date and time ?:
What extent did meet needs and requests of the management which have expectations about the detection and elimination of the failure or deficiency ? :
Has work been made in accordance with the regulations and standards which the customer obliged to comply?:
Have enough activities been done to prevent accidents or environmental pollution at company ,before the application?:
Has the work been carried out in accordance with the operating instructions of company?:
Supervising and inspections:
What extent did it meet with needs and requests ?:
How compatible does it with your requested time?:
Did sufficient precautions take place to prevent accidents or environmental pollution at your company during the works?:
How was our compliance with the operating instructions of your company?: